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Getting The Habit

7 Jun

Our trip up to the habit for Friday night dinner. The food here is that good! Get to the Habit, and get one!

<a href="http://”> Getting my Habit on

An Affair of The Heart

15 May

Premier’s tonight on EPIX!  You can watch it streaming online with a free trial subscription too!  Go to to see it!

I am honored and excited to be a small part of this documentary!  Check it out!


Hot Sauce for Dogs and The People Who Love Them

20 Sep

Ay! Chihuahua Hot Sauce – For Distinctive Dogs

This is a concept I put together for a dog’s hot sauce, made for those dogs and owners who have to have everything!  Its target audience would be dog owners who have an affinity for their little k-9 friends.  This is a two page spread advertisement meant for a magazine.

4 Hour Work Week

1 Sep

Book cover, and Binder Design

A simple and creative look for a book cover and binder.  Its not a real book, but don’t you wish it was!?

Popcicle Stick Manatee

31 Aug

The Biggest Popcicle Manatee EVER!

This is a project from the Art Institute that I did for my form and space class.  We had to take a photograph of an animal that we drew out of a bucket, and make it using Popsicle sticks.  I could not believe how well it came out considering the shape and form of such a large sea creature I picked.  I began with forming the shapes of the body, and made cylinders in several different circumferences.  Once I got a body, I just thought of creative ways to add the limbs and face!  Voila, popsicle stick manatee!!!

Pursuasive Poster

30 Aug

Persuasive Poster

This piece is a persuasive poster I created to promote wearing seat-belts.  The photos I used are from an actual car accident that resulted in the death of a 18-year-old male.  Of the three persons in that car, two survived because they were wearing seat belts.  The poster is ringed with general sayings that people might say when they decide not to use a seat belt.  The people in this car were not drinking, or under the influence of anything.

Rah! Rah! Go Team Go!

29 Aug

Image traced and then colored in Adobe Illustrator

A simple drawing of a cheerleader (as today I need some cheering!) I drew this using a tracing technique, and brought it over into Illustrator did some magic and gave it color, and textures.  Nice little ditty!

5 Important Moments

22 Aug

5 Moments In my Life that Have Had an Impact on Me

This is a project that I did for a class at the Art Institute.  The project was to take 5 moments that had an impact on your life, and design 5 posters or cards that showcase those moments, while connecting them together.  Lots of emotions in these, and its powerful to look back in time at your own life and see where you have been and how far you have come since a life changing moment.

I have found a place of acceptance about dealing with the greatest loss I have had to face in my life so far.  I try not to look at it as loss anymore.  I have to look at straight in the eye and thank god for the luck I have had in my life.  I was blessed with someone who I loved and loved me so much (rare and precious), and that we were able to have each other even for a short time is such a gift.  I was able to forge on, and make a new existence for myself, finish my college education and find love again.  Life’s still hard, and has major struggles, but I think I’ll make it… =)