5 Important Moments

22 Aug

5 Moments In my Life that Have Had an Impact on Me

This is a project that I did for a class at the Art Institute.  The project was to take 5 moments that had an impact on your life, and design 5 posters or cards that showcase those moments, while connecting them together.  Lots of emotions in these, and its powerful to look back in time at your own life and see where you have been and how far you have come since a life changing moment.

I have found a place of acceptance about dealing with the greatest loss I have had to face in my life so far.  I try not to look at it as loss anymore.  I have to look at straight in the eye and thank god for the luck I have had in my life.  I was blessed with someone who I loved and loved me so much (rare and precious), and that we were able to have each other even for a short time is such a gift.  I was able to forge on, and make a new existence for myself, finish my college education and find love again.  Life’s still hard, and has major struggles, but I think I’ll make it… =)

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